The Well
The Well

The moon was only a slight sliver of light fighting to penetrate the density of the forest's interlaced limbs. Beneath their branches a path wound its way treacherously through the woods. The path led to the door of a small cottage. It was down this path and to this cottage that Jennifer found herself running that frigid November night. The wind grabbed at her shawl as she clutched it tightly around her shoulders to ward off the stinging cold. Many times she had been warned, as all the children in the village had been, never to venture down this path, never to approach the cottage, and never, no never, to enter therein. And yet it was on this violent eve that she chose to ignore the caution of her elders.
The cottage appeared to live up to its foreboding reputation. The windows seemed to contain countless eyes; blankly staring at whomever would dare to disturb their secluded existence. The wind called out in a mournful voice as it swirled through the clearing, urging Jennifer to turn back and return to her warm bed where she belonged. Don't waste your time on these foolish dreams and rumors, it whistled. No one here can help you; there is no hope. Nonetheless Jennifer squared her shoulders, raised her chin in a defiant manner and stepped up to the small door of the cottage.
As she raised her hand to knock on the door, it swung open. Catching her breath in a soft gasp, Jennifer stared at the woman before her. She was a tall woman although age had bent her nearly double. Her face was carved as if by the very wind that still moaned its admonition. The steel blue of her eyes pierced Jennifer's soul.
"So, you have come." The weather beaten voice pushed past the creased lips.
"Are you Isha?" Jennifer asked, the strength of her own voice surprising her.
"Yes and you are Jennifer. You are searching for something - or some one."
"How did you know?"
"Isha knows many things. Come inside and tell me what you are seeking."
As she entered the cottage Jennifer was surprised at the warmth and tidiness of the one room house. It was not what she had expected after all the stories that had circulated the village.
"I desire knowledge about a man named Keith. He is overseas, fighting in a war. I have not received a letter from him in two months and I have begun to fear the worst. I must know what is happening to him. People say that you know things. They say that you can see things. They say that you are a…a…"
"A witch? I have been called that many times. Yes I do have certain powers and I know where your Keith is. Would you like to see him?'
"Oh yes!"
Isha moved to the door and beckoned Jennifer to follow. Once outside, Isha walked over to an old well.
"Peer into the well, my dear. Look closely and you will see your Keith."
Jennifer stepped up to the well and peered into its depths.
As she stared intently she began to se lights floating to the surface of the water. As she leaned closer the lights grew brighter and brighter. Then they cleared and formed a picture of a sunny meadow. The grass was greener than any grass she had ever seen and every where it was dotted with wild flowers. In the middle of the meadow was Keith. He was laughing and holding out his hand, inviting her to join him. She reached forth her hand and suddenly she was there with him. He had his arms wrapped around her and he held her in an embrace that seemed to last for eternity.
Back in the land of the living, Isha laid another body to rest in the clearing behind her cottage.

©   Deep Thoughts   1998

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