Quicksilver flashes, bubbling mirth,
Innocence within a child's memory,
Rippling joy sounded unleashed.
Held dear within, protected
Whether from anger denied or fear realized
All housed in a clay not formed or fired.

© Antithesis

I only despise being judged
By what people see
Yet cannot see beyond.
I, too, love beauty
Still so many miss the beauty
That goes beyond flesh.
Here, all that exists
Is what pours from my soul.
Pain or joy, fear, insanity.
Words are what and who
I am
Corporal reality is intangible.
I curse the camera,
Even the human eye
Which blinds the soul to realities
It cannot see.

© Antithesis

the street corner | scentless apprentice | Druidic Concoctions | anonymous
Lucy Pantera | Jules | ET | Paul